Jaipur, January 2025.
January 19, 1990,marks one of the darkest chapters in India’s democratic history. On this fateful day, the Kashmir Valley was plunged into chaos and bloodshed as Islamic fundamentalists orchestrated an ethnic cleansing that uprooted over 7,00,000 Kashmiri Hindus from their centuries-old homeland. The community faced a brutal campaign of killings, rapes, torture and forced exile. The genocide that followed was not just physical but emotional and political, as Kashmiri Hindus were stripped of their identity, their rights and their connection to their land. Thirty-six years on, the cries for justice, return and dignity remain unanswered.
Today, as Kashmiri Hindus enter their36th yearof exile, India 4 Kashmir(I4K) demandsthat the Government of India immediately take action to provide the community with the political, civil and human rights it has long been denied. We call upon the government to listen to the long neglected cries of Kashmiri Hindus and take immediate steps to address the multifaceted genocide we have suffered: physical, emotional and political. We urge the government to accept and implement our Charter of Demands, which is a call for justice, recognition and the rightful return of Kashmiri Hindus to their homeland.
1. NominationtoVacantPoKSeatsinAssemblyandParliament
There are 24 vacant seats in the Jammu & Kashmir Legislative Assembly, 5 seats in the Lok Sabha and 1 seat in the Rajya Sabha for constituencies in PoK. India 4 Kashmir demands that displaced Kashmiri Hindus be nominated to these seats, ensuring our rightful political representation and a stake in the future of Kashmir.
2. RecognitionoftheExodusasGenocide
The exodus of Kashmiri Hindus in1990 was not justadis placement;it was agenocide &a
coordinated, brutal campaign to wipe out an entire community based on their faith. The government must formally recognize the atrocities committed against us and ensure justice is served for the victims and their families.
3. ConstitutionalTerritoryforRehabilitation
The creation of a separate, concentrated territory within the Kashmir Valley must be a priority for the safe and dignified return of Kashmiri Hindus. This territory must operate under the full purview of the Indian Constitution and be a sanctuary for all who believe in the history, values, ethos and culture of India.
4. TribunalforInvestigatingandProsecutingPerpetrators
The Government must establish a special tribunal with the power to identify and bring tojustice those responsible for the genocide of Kashmiri Hindus, ensuring that history is never forgotten and that justice is finally served.
5. CentralAuthorityforCulturalPreservation
The cultural and religious heritage of Kashmiri Hindus faces obliteration due to radicalized elements. We demand the creation of a central authority,vested with constitutional powers, to preserve and protect our sacred sites, temples and shrines from further destruction.
6. ImplementationoftheStateTempleandShrineBill
The State Temple and Shrine Bill, essential for safeguarding our religious and cultural heritage, must be fully implemented and upgraded under community guidance to ensure the protection of all religious and cultural sites significant to Kashmiri Hindus.
7. FullRightsforInternallyDisplacedPersons(IDPs)
Kashmiri Hindus must be granted the same civil, political and socio-economic rights as per international conventions for internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have been uprooted byreligious violence.
8. InstitutionalCoordinationMechanism
We call for the establishment of an inter-ministerial coordination body to ensure the effective implementation of our demands and to monitor the rehabilitation process. This body should formally include India 4Kashmir (I4K) representatives along with prominent community leaders to ensure that decisions are driven by genuine, grassroots insights and the collective will of displaced Kashmiri Hindus.
9. EconomicRehabilitation&EmploymentGuaranteesforIDPs
The Government must provide financial aid, skill development and employment opportunities to displaced Kashmiri Hindus to ensure their economic rehabilitation and integrate them fully into the socio-economic fabric of India.
10. RemovalofRadicalizedInfluencefromKashmir
The Government must ensure that any radicalized ideology that continues to fuel violence and prevent rule of law is firmly removed, ensuring peace & progress in Kashmir.
11. SafeguardingofEducationalInstitutions
Efforts must be made to preserve and protect educational institutions that were once hubs for Kashmiri Hindu’s cultural and intellectual life. These institutions should be supported and reestablished, with emphasis on teaching Kashmir’s real history. A Sharada University of Sanskrit education must be established as the starting point of this initiative.
India 4 Kashmir acknowledges the historic steps taken by the Government of India, especially the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A, aligning with our earlier version of the Charter of Demands and creating fresh opportunities for a stable future in Kashmir. We also appreciatethe government’s efforts to enhance security and foster development in the region.
However, despite these steps, the full rehabilitation of Kashmiri Hindus remains incomplete. The journey toward restoring dignity and rights for displaced Kashmiri Hindus is ongoing. We urge the Government of India to listen to the long pending calls for justice and promptly implement the rest of our Charter of Demands. It is high time that the pain, the loss and the injustice faced by Kashmiri Hindus are formally recognized and concrete actions are taken to allow us to return to our homeland.
The community continues to suffer, not just from physical displacement, but from an ongoing, systematic denial of our rights and the erasure of our cultural identity. The time for action is now. The Government of India must hear the cries of Kashmiri Hindus, end their political exile and take decisive steps to provide us with justice, recognition and the opportunity to return to our rightful place in Kashmir.